Key Stage 1
Children are taught the basic skills of using the computer. To do this we cover topics such as:
- Logging on to the computer
- Opening and saving their work
- Typing skills and improving the speed and accuracy of their work
- Word processing work which involves the production of stories and poems
- Desk Top Publishing where pictures are integrated with text to produce a poster
- Graphical work such as a greetings card and image manipulation
- Looking at how ICT is used outside of school
- At the end of KS1 students are ready to explore computer programming using Purplemash 2Code.
- Investigate how personal information should / could be kept safe (what we refer to as our SMART rules). See below.
Key Stage 2
Children are now introduced to more “specialist” and advanced types of software. They are also expected to work more independently and solve problems by themselves.
- Extend their programming knowledge by using Win Logo, Scratch, CoCo and other types of programming language
- Use spreadsheet software to model various situations
- Produce a database which they can search and produce reports
- Create games and Apps
- Learn about computer networks
- Presentation software will be used to produce work for intended audiences
- Additional to computing lesson, research is carried out in other areas of the curriclum (e.g. science, history and geography)using a computer and then work presented professionally
- Explore issues of plagerism and copyright, and learn about accuracy of information. We continue to follow the SMART rules of 'internet safety'.